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Order of Service

Join Us For Service and Bring a Friend. Sundays at 11:00 AM

The Typical Order of Service:

Musical Prelude
Opening Hymn
Declaration of Principles
Healing Hymn
Healing Prayer and Meditation
Laying-on-of-Hands Healing
Sermon                                                                                                                                                                    Offering
Spirit Greetings
Announcements Doxology: "Let There Be Peace on Earth"
Benediction and Musical Postlude

Healing Requests

Note:  Please email your healing request to:  If you wish, you may also submit your healing request on the church phone # 203-637-4615 and leave your healing requests on our answering machine.  

Spiritual healing is an important part of our work. Every Sunday, during the Healing Service, we read aloud the names of people who are in need of healing. If you would like us to pray for you, for a loved one or person/pet of concern, we invite you to share in our healing ministry by submitting the name you wish us to use, and if you wish, a brief description of the condition in need of healing. We also will pray for those loved ones who are in "progression", that is, who have transitioned into spirit. Please specify that in your request.

By submitting your healing request to us, you are engaging God and Spirit in the healing process. For the following three weeks, we will offer prayers of healing, on your behalf, by stating only the name. If you wish healing for longer than three weeks you must resubmit the request.

Thank you and God bless.