David Young - Love Expansion Concert and Meditation
Fee: $30 advance / $35 at the door
David Young is a Grammy nominated double Flute player / singer Songwriter guitarist. It is said that more people have had out of body experiences listening to his music than any musician alive today. Over 4,850 attendees at his events over the past two years have shared having a conversation or spiritual travel with an Ascended Master, an Archangel or have reconnected with one of their loved ones in Heaven. Thousands of other people have shared past life experiences or have traveled in the Inner Light. Many call his music "the most heavenly, healing music on the planet." Over 20,000 healers and healing centers use his music every day which reaches approximately 300,000 people daily. John Hopkins Medical Centers has entire floors that only play his music 24/7 because they believe it is the most healing music on the planet. The effect his Sound Healings have had on people is unparalleled.