Everyday Spiritual Living
Fall 2017 workshop series
Tuesdays, starting on September 12th, 7:00-9:00pm
Fee: $20/weekly class
Lead by Kathleen James
Kathleen will lead the group through the following lessons which will be given along with shared experiences and a guided meditation.
- God is Love
- You Are Your Brother’s Keeper
- The Fullness of Life is Unlimited
- Do It Now
- Divine Love is Irresistible and Unconquerable
- Reality is the Sanctuary of My Soul
- Truth Never Changes – Law of Cause & Effect
- Forward to Achievement and Wisdom – Law of Individual Responsibility
- To Experience is to Know
Don't miss it!
Kathleen James has been a student of metaphysics since 1972. She brings a unique sensitivity to each encounter she has, personally, professionally and spiritually. She is a natural psychic/medium and has trained extensively with international mediums Rev. William Daut, Doreen Virtue, Tony Stockwell and Rev. Janet Nohavec. Kathy is an Assistant Spiritualist Minister and is working towards becoming an Ordained Spiritualist Minister through the Morris Pratt Institute. She is an Angel Therapy Practitioner and a Certified Healer at both Albertson Memorial Church and The Journey Within.