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This Event has been Cancelled - Rev. Jenn Shepherd - Gala Demonstration of Mediumship, $25/$35 Non-Members


$25/$35 Non-Members

Rev. Jenn Shepherd is a graduate and recognized healer by Master Robert Peng. She has credentials as a Spiritual/Reiki and QiGong Healer. This initial training in both energy and healing led her to the world of evidential mediumship. She is a Spiritualist ordained minister and the Spiritual Leader of Unity in Edinboro. She co-founded Bolts of Love in 2014 and has written the book "Healing Through Spirit * Living in Love". She runs both an in-person and online spiritual development mentorship program with an underlying understanding that alignment of our soul with our unique soul's expression allows for the uniqueness of service to Spirit only offered through our singular and yet community experience.