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Your Role with Animal Companions: Who Chooses Who with Chris DeSerio


 Trance Medium, Healer and Animal Communicator

This workshop looks to better define your connection with animals. What’s the surface lesson

followed by the deeper meaning to the dynamics of each relationship, be it with those domesticated

or out in the wild? Why is it that you’re attracted in such a way to those particularly in the animal

kingdom and vice versa? What’s 1 or more of your totem animals?  What do they represent in terms

of guidance and other help being offered in the now and how does their presence demonstrate how

far you’ve come thus far? These questions and more will be explored through a highly participatory

environment in which exercises will be conducted and group discussion of thoughts and findings



Your tutor, Chris DeSerio, is a metaphysician practicing professionally for over 20 years as a medium, healer, medical intuitive, psychic, and paranormal investigator coupled with being an animal lover all his life.

Cost is $20 Members/$30 Non-Members