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Mediumship Gala Demonstation Fundraiser Event

Experience the love from the Spirit World that continues after the change called death.  The essence of your loved one will be brought through to touch your heart and bring evidence of their survival. 

Demonstration with 3 Evidential Mediums:

Debra Chalmers is a well-respected international medium and teacher, who resides in the UK and travels internationally. Debra has trained extensively at the Arthur Findlay College and is a Certificate Holder of the Spiritualist National Union (CSNU) for both speaking and demonstrating.  Debra is known for her warmth, integrity and passion.  

Sue Hind is a very popular international Medium who has an established credibility as a top Intuitive Medium and Teacher.  She lives in the UK and travels internationally. Sue has attended several courses at the internationally renowned Arthur Findlay College; during this time Sue has earned her Certificate of the Spiritual National Union (CSNU) for both Demonstrating and Speaking.  Sue demonstrates her belief that those who have passed can communicate with their loved ones with detailed messages which can include names, dates and locations and all delivered with emotion, sensitivity but also with a sense of passion and fun.

Ellyn Shander is a medium that has a passion for the Spirit World and communicating accurately on their behalf. She loves to facilitate reunions between you and your loved ones She knows that nobody dies and we are able to connect with the other side with sentiment and love. She has trained extensively at the renowned Arthur Findlay College in England. And the Journey Within in New Jersey.

Cost: $35

Later Event: November 10