Description of Workshop:
This is a class of studying our minds’ thoughts; we will see how we react to them with feelings and realize that we create events and even illnesses because of our own belief systems. We will look at our mind as a lab and experiment: by directing thoughts in different areas of our brain, studying and moving phosphines - the light behind your closed eyes and sending in silence thoughts as vibrations, which we will prove their affect with kinesiology. We will then analyze our thoughts and beliefs and creating new ones with creative visualization, hypnotic suggestion and E.F.T
The great mystics speak of the divine mind and the oneness of all, yet we are alienated and lost in our own perceptions and anxieties, often fighting against the universe. When we recognize ourselves as spirit we can create life’s events effortlessly. Meditate and power up your cosmic atoms into a dance of the existence you desire.
Professional Experience: 26 years as a Psychic, Medium and Teacher. Taught at the Edgar Cayce Center, NYC, the Wainwright House, Albertson Memorial Church, Lily Dale, Sarasota Center of Life, New Life Expo NYC and Florida, The Awaken Fair. Recommended in 7 books, interviewed in newspapers and magazines.