FAQ about Spiritualism

Here are answers to some questions you may have about Spiritualism. They originate from the late Rev. Ray Burns, who was one of our former ministers for over 30 years.

Is Spiritualism a Christian denomination?  

Spiritualism is the vehicle through which all religions have been given birth: through communion, communication and interaction with Spirit. In this, we are universal, and people of all faiths are welcome to join us in worship, study and fellowship. Our Church's Charter instructs us to embrace the teachings and example of Jesus of Nazareth. We consider Jesus a great prophet, medium and healer. His connection with the Divine was so strong that one could consider him as God's Presence on Earth. Was he the only such manifestation of God's Love and Grace? No. During times of spiritual crisis, God sends us messengers of the Word to help guide us through such times; Jesus, Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Krishna and Mohammed, to name a few. We look to many sources for the wellspring of our inspiration. One can be Christian and a Spiritualist; one can be Jewish and a Spiritualist; one can be Buddhist and a Spiritualist; etc.

What is the attitude of Spiritualism towards Jesus?  

We believe Jesus to be a prophet, teacher, medium and healer. Our Declaration of Principles professes personal responsibility. Salvation is an effort of the Spirit and Soul and requires no intermediary or personal savior. We embrace the teachings of Jesus Christ, as he sought to reawaken Spiritualism within the lives of his people, Israel. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is a most profound expression of Spiritualism’s truth: The Spirit is eternal; there is no death.    

How do Spiritualists respond to various phenomena in the Christian Tradition such as resurrection, walking on water, appearances of loaves and fishes, etc.

Both the Old and New Testaments are grand recordings of Humanity’s struggle in understanding the Divine Nature of God, within the self and within Nature. In this, one must understand the history, the culture, and the Spiritualism of the times. The various phenomena which are related in the Bible, when looked at through the tenets and principles of Spiritualism, become more than miracles of the past. They become living testimony to the Divine Spirit within all people and profess that Scripture continues to be written, even today. Spiritualism revitalizes Scriptures of all faiths from the scrolls of the past into the hearts of people today.    

What is the nature and purpose of your ministry?  

The purpose of our Church is to offer a place and space where people of all religious and spiritual backgrounds may come together to worship God and to express and share in the divinity and sanctity of the Human Spirit. This is done through: worship; song; prayer; healing; community service and fellowship; and an appreciation of the gifts of the Spirit in all people. Within the framework of the Charter and By-Laws of the NSAC, we ordain ministers, name children, perform marriage ceremonies, deliver messages and greetings from loved ones in Spirit, and witness the various gifts of the Holy Spirit, as related within the Bible.    

Must ordained ministers be mediums?  

A medium is a person who is sensitive to the thought and energy vibrations which come to us from those in Spirit. Through disciplined development and the nurturing of a loving soul, a medium is able to attune, mind to mind and energy to energy, to the Spirit people and, in that state of attunement, is able to describe them and relate their thoughts, emotions, memories, and messages. True and honorable mediumship does, in fact, minister to the needs of people. However, there is a difference between a medium and an ordained minister.  

What is the purpose of mediumship?  

Mediumship is a natural gift of the Spirit and has many purposes: it brings comfort to the bereaved; it offers spiritual nourishment for the soul; it becomes a vehicle for God’s Healing Spirit; and it demonstrates the potential of the individual to break through self-imposed limitation and, thus, become part of a Greater Whole. Underlying all forms of mediumship is the fact that we live and are very much a part of a Creative Spirit. This is the real principle of Spiritualism: There is only one Kingdom, the Kingdom of Spirit, and that Kingdom is governed by Spiritual Law, Love and Grace.

Is there a set of principles that you use in your church akin to the Ten Commandments?

Yes, our Declaration of Principles expresses the foundation stones of our faith. Like the Ten Commandments, our Principles convey not only a belief system, but define a mode of living which is in accord to the Spirit.

We also accept the following Laws of the Universe:

Faith: Faith is defined as a belief in things unseen. What sets Spiritualism apart from other religions is that it seeks to demonstrate, through the vehicle of mediumship, its most fundamental principle: survival of death and the continuity of the Spirit. With the revelation that death has no sting and is, in fact, swallowed up in victory comes greater faith in one’s own immortality and the brotherhood and sisterhood of the Human Family, under the Love and Care of God. True faith comes about when the earthly personality aligns itself with the higher aspects of the soul and the divine aspects of the Spirit. Faith belongs to no religion and knows no limitation; it simply is! Through faith, we are given the inspiration and the encouragement to take each and every step in our soul’s journey. Faith is the dedication of our heart to the Divine. 

The Law of Thought and Attraction: The tool of the Spirit is Mind, and like any tool, Mind can be used to build and unify, or to destroy and fragment. We are what we think. When Mind creates and sends forth a thought vibration, it will seek fertile soil for growth. If none exists, it will whither and die. Thus, the importance of creating within and around us an aura which will nurture and strengthen Divine thought and not allow that which opposes the Spirit to grow. Spiritualism addresses this directly through an understanding of  the Body-Mind-Soul relationship and manifests this understanding through the Ministry of Healing.

The Law of Reincarnation: Every soul is given the opportunity to return to the earth (or elsewhere) as often as he or she feels necessary, and enter a new classroom of experience. Some return to earth to triumph over obstacles and errors of past lives. Others return to earth to attest to themselves and others that they have truly embraced Spirit’s love and forgiveness. Yet others return to earth, not for the sake of self development, but to be as spiritual beacon lights for others to witness and, then, emulate in their soul’s journey. Reincarnation and the Great Law of Karma (Cause and Effect; or Personal Responsibility) work hand-in-hand in the soul’s journey.

The Law of Abundance: What we give is what we receive. God wishes us all to live an abundant life. Furthermore, God gives us all the tools of Spirit to make “On earth as it is in Heaven”. But, it is we who must accept the tools and gifts of the Spirit and use them wisely and in harmony with Divine Plan. Our thinking and mental attitude create the “laboratory” for the soul’s work. If we embrace Life with a positive and an abundant attitude, abundance will be ours. However, we must be mindful not to equate spiritual abundance with material abundance; one does not necessarily translate into the other.