In case of inclement weather, please check here for more information on cancelations. Also be sure to check your email as a special e-blast will be sent out in the event of a cancelation.
Saturday, February 4th, 12:00-5:00pm
Click here for flyer.
Would you like a "second opinion" on your life issues, or a personal message from a departed loved one? Are you curious about your purpose in this life, or seeking a bit more direction and focus--come join us!
Drop in and give us a try! Bring a friend, too --
25-min. readings, $40 to $55 -- healing sessions $30 for 15-20 min.
Sunday Service
February 5th, 11am-12:30pm
Jean Mandeville
Service & Spirit Communications
Click here for flyer.
Sunday, February 5th, 1:00-3:00pm
Past Life Regression Workshop with Jean Mandeville
Click here for flyer.
Fee: $35
The class will then be lead to a divine light toward to the Akashic Records where all of our soul information/past lifetimes are stored. A record keeper will bring us an excerpt of a past life that is important to the individual. From this knowledge we can gain an understanding of why we are experiencing something in our current life which we have brought forward from the past, whether it be a gift, an illness, or an unresolved lesson. If there is a need for a healing, a shamanic soul retrieval will take place.
A Course in Miracles - facilitated by Joan Goss
Tues. & Thurs.: DAY CLASS - 12:00 - 1:15 pm
Thurs.: EVENING CLASS - 7:00 - 8:15 pm
$20 suggested love donation per class. (No one will be turned away who cannot pay.)
Ready to see the world differently?
Leave fear behind and experience the peace of God.
"You are entitled to Miracles." ACIM
For more information, call Joan at 203-921-8654.
Beginner Psychic & Mediumship Class with Bobby Kitsios
Wed.: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Fee: $20 per class
Topics will include: guided meditation, healing, psychic exercises and beginning mediumship techniques.
Weekly Prayer Circle
Meets downstairs in the meditation room. See you there!
Bereavement Group for Grieving Parents/Grandparents
February 26th, 1:00-3:00pm
Come join a circle of support and a place to share with other grieving parents. The group will meet on the last Sunday of every month after church service.
the Sacred Spirit - New Age Gift Shop
Located on lower level of Albertson Church
Click here to visit the store website.